Personal Injury Blog

3-Car Accident: Who Pays For Damages?

Texas is an at-fault state for automobile accidents. That means the party responsible for the collision is financially liable for damages caused by the crash. However, what happens when there are three cars involved in the accident? Who is responsible for paying your damages? Texas Drivers Are Required to Have Liability Insurance Under Texas law,… read more

10 Important Bicycle Laws in Texas

Whether for exercise or leisure, many people love to ride bicycles. It can be an enjoyable activity for both individuals and families. However, bicyclists should ride as safely as possible. Unlike other types of passenger vehicles, bicycles do not enclose the rider or provide many safety features. Sadly, many cyclists suffer catastrophic injuries each year…. read more

What You Should and Should Not Do After a Car Accident in Fort Worth, TX?

If you have never been involved in a car accident, it can be overwhelming. You may not know what you should or should not do after a car accident in Fort Worth. It is understandable to be frightened. Our car accident lawyers in Fort Worth fight to get car accident victims fair compensation for their… read more

How Much Does A Texting Ticket Cost in Texas?

Texting while driving continues to be one of the most dangerous and frequent types of distracted driving.  When a driver texts while driving, the driver’s eyes are off the road. He takes his hands off the steering wheel, and his mind is on the text, not on driving. This level of distraction can be deadly…. read more

What is CTE in Football?

Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is a progressive, degenerative brain disease. CTE results from repeated brain injuries. Tackle football is a leading cause of CTE. But CTE can also arise from other contact sports like boxing, hockey, and soccer. Doctors have even found CTE in members of the armed forces and other occupations with repeated exposure… read more

What Does Discovery Mean?

Discovery is a step in the process before a personal injury trial. During discovery, both sides exchange information and evidence related to the lawsuit. There are several forms of discovery that a party can use to obtain information from the other party. That information can be used to formulate legal strategies for court. Discovery is… read more

What Are the Odds of Dying in a Car Crash?

The odds of dying in a car crash are one in 107. Roughly speaking, you have a less than 1% chance of dying in a car crash during your daily drive. But this statistic does not tell the whole story. Many variables increase your risk of dying in a car crash. For example, your age,… read more

What Happens if You Play Sports with a Concussion?

Generally, a concussion falls among the milder brain injuries. But that does not mean that you should ignore a concussion. The damage from a concussion might only reveal itself in the days and weeks after the initial injury. Repeated brain trauma can lead to degenerative brain diseases like chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Because of this,… read more

Nausea After Hitting Head: How a Brain Injury Can Affect Your Body and Your Life

When your head collides with a hard surface, it can affect your entire body in many ways. Your brain is responsible for many of your bodily functions. Because your brain rests inside of your skull, hitting your head can trigger a variety of symptoms.  Can hitting your head cause nausea? One of the potential symptoms… read more

What Happens After a Deposition in a Car Accident Case?

If you are the victim of a collision that resulted in injuries, you may decide to seek financial compensation. During the process of a personal injury claim, your attorney may mention depositions. In some cases, the opposing side may decide to depose you.  This legal term causes lots of unnecessary anxiety for many claimants. In… read more