Personal Injury Blog

What Happens After a Deposition in a Car Accident Case?

If you are the victim of a collision that resulted in injuries, you may decide to seek financial compensation. During the process of a personal injury claim, your attorney may mention depositions. In some cases, the opposing side may decide to depose you.  This legal term causes lots of unnecessary anxiety for many claimants. In… read more

What Does a Concussion Do to the Brain?

About 1.5 million people experience a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in the United States annually. Most TBI injuries result from car accidents and fall mishaps. Although some brain injuries are classified as “mild,” others can be life-threatening.  If you or someone you love has experienced a traumatic brain injury because of someone else’s negligence, contact… read more

Dump and Garbage Trucks Accidents

Garbage trucks and dump trucks are common in traffic. Typically, drivers do not think twice about these large vehicles. But if you have been injured in a car accident involving a dump truck or garbage truck, you will understand just how massive these vehicles are.  Because of their size and weight, dump trucks and garbage… read more

Brain Stem Injury Symptoms

Following a serious injury, victims deserve appropriate care. They deserve financial, physical, and legal protection. Each state has laws on the books to help injury victims seek compensation. Victims can pursue damages that they sustained due to someone else’s negligence or carelessness.  If you have experienced damage to your brain stem because of another party’s… read more

Memory Loss After a Concussion

A concussion can cause many symptoms. Memory loss is one of the most disturbing post-concussion symptoms. Amnesia after a concussion may leave you unable to remember the car accident that caused the concussion. It may also persist long after the accident, affecting your ability to make and recall new memories. Here are the things you… read more

Acquired Brain Injury Symptoms

Acquired brain injuries (ABIs) encompass all brain injuries that are not genetic or congenital. ABIs include any brain injuries acquired after birth, although the term also specifically excludes birth injuries. ABIs fall into two broad categories: traumatic and non-traumatic. But since most people are already familiar with traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs, many people use… read more

Long-Term Effects of a Mild Traumatic Brain Injury

A traumatic brain injury (TBI) can result from almost any kind of accident. The whipping motion during a car accident could give you a headache that lasts for a few days. A simple slip and fall could leave you seeing stars. Or,  you might not remember how you got a bump on the head from… read more

Texas Car Accident: How To File a Personal Injury Claim

If you were hurt in a car accident in Texas caused by another individual, you’re likely wondering what your legal options are. Pursuing a personal injury claim against the at-fault party will allow you to recover compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and other losses.  While not every car accident case requires legal representation,… read more

The Characteristics of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur due to many kinds of accidents, ranging from car accidents to a slip and fall. A brain injury can create lifelong issues. In severe cases, a traumatic brain injury can lead to permanent disability or even death. As a result, it’s important to watch for the signs of a… read more

Types of Semi Truck Accidents (And Ways to Stay Safe)

The U.S. has nearly 4 million Class 8 trucks currently in operation on the roads. Semi-trucks make up most of the vehicles in this class, with the remainder being service vehicles like dump trucks and fire trucks. These semi-trucks are involved in many truck accidents each year, causing over 4,000 deaths and over 100,000 injuries… read more