Personal Injury Blog

Recovering Compensation After the Wrongful Death of a Loved One in Texas

Most states have laws that allow family members to file lawsuits seeking financial recovery after the wrongful death of a loved one, including Texas. Wrongful death laws provide a monetary award as compensation for losses caused by a family member’s untimely death. Money does not bring back your loved one or ease your grief, but… read more

What To Do if Someone Files a Fort Worth Car Accident Claim Against You

Texas is considered an “at-fault” state for car insurance claims. That means that after a crash in Fort Worth, drivers are free to pursue claims against each other to recover money damages. If someone has recently filed a Fort Worth car accident claim against you, you might wonder what your legal rights and options are…. read more

What Are the Insurance Requirements for Texas Commercial Trucks?

Different states have different requirements for commercial trucks, and Texas is no exception. This is because trucks can potentially cause massive damage, including death. This article will divulge the insurance requirements for commercial trucks operating in Texas so you can properly adhere to the law. Proof of Liability Insurance Texas law states that all trucking… read more

Average Settlement Value of a Truck Accident Injury Case in Fort Worth, TX

The average commercial semi-truck weighs about 80,000 pounds when fully loaded, more than ten times as much as the average passenger car. When a collision between these two types of vehicles occurs, the car driver and their fellow occupants end up far worse off.  The higher chances of life-changing injuries and a totaled vehicle mean… read more

Procedural Issues That Could Hurt Your Fort Worth Personal Injury Case

Personal injury law is complicated. If you pursue a claim, you will face many obstacles. Two common types of obstacles are procedural issues and substantive issues. Procedural issues are more than just common. In fact, they are nearly universal. If the defendant successfully raises your procedural issue in court, the court will dismiss your case…. read more

How To Proceed With a Lawsuit in Fort Worth, Texas

After a personal injury or accident, most people file insurance claims with the at-fault party’s insurance provider. Most personal injury claims settle through negotiations with the insurance company. However, it might be necessary to file a personal injury lawsuit in some situations.  Most people file a personal injury lawsuit when an insurance company denies their… read more

Can a Concussion Cause Permanent Brain Injury?

Concussions can happen in an instant. They can result from a range of accidents, from car accidents to falls from heights — or even a bad tackle at a football game. For some, a mild concussion means only a few weeks of headaches or compromised thinking. Others, though, may suffer permanently compromised cognitive function.  What… read more

The 12 Most Common Causes of Car Accidents in Fort Worth, TX

Texas drivers get into a lot of crashes. In 2021, Texas had over 425,000 traffic accidents, according to the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT). This includes all car accidents, including multi-vehicle collisions and crashes involving pedestrians, cyclists, animals, and fixed objects. Statistically, most crashes only have a few causes. Texas only recognizes 77 contributing causes… read more

Filing a Wrongful Death Lawsuit? How To Find the Best Wrongful Death Attorney in Fort Worth, TX 

If you recently lost a loved one in Fort Worth, Texas, you may wonder about your options for seeking justice against the party responsible for the death. While a wrongful death claim against the at-fault party will not reverse the death or erase your emotional pain, it may help provide a sense of justice and… read more

Difference Between Bodily Injury and Personal Injury

If you’ve been hurt in an accident, you may have heard the terms “bodily injury” and “personal injury.” Perhaps you’re wondering, what is the difference between bodily injury vs. personal injury?  Technically, personal injury is a type of legal claim someone has when they have experienced an injury. It is a subcategory of legal cases…. read more