Car Accidents

Can You Sue the Car Company if the Air Bags Did Not Deploy in a Car Accident?

There’s a certain formula for legal claims involving many car accident cases. You file a suit against the person who caused the accident or their insurance provider, and accept a settlement offer or take the matter to court. There are times, though, when things get a bit more complicated.  A good example is an airbag… read more

Ways to Prevent Your Teenager from Texting and Driving

It is well known that most teenagers have a hard time maintaining their attention. It’s simply that way for most of us as we go through our teen years. Few things can monopolize your teen’s attention like a cell phone – and that’s bad news if your teenager is now driving. Texas Cell Phone Driving… read more

When Do You Need to Hire A Car Accident Lawyer?

A car accident can turn your life upside down. Even though you may not sustain serious injuries, you must deal with the property damage from the accident. If you do sustain injuries, you also may have doctor’s bills, loss of income, and other damages caused by the crash. Knowing when to hire a car accident… read more

Is It Legal to Drive Barefoot in Texas?

For many people, their vehicle is an extension of their home. They kick off their shoes as soon as they get home or get into their vehicle. However, is driving barefoot legal in Texas? Technically, there are no laws preventing you from driving barefoot, though there are a few safety issues to consider. Jason Stephens,… read more

What Should You Do If You Are In An Accident But The Other Driver Doesn’t Have Insurance?

One of the first things you are told to do after an automobile accident is to switch contact and insurance information with any other drivers. While Texas requires all drivers to have some sort of insurance, the reality is that not everyone does. There is a high possibility that you may find yourself involved in… read more

Consequences of Using Your Cell Phone While Driving in Texas

You are driving to work and your phone rings. What do you do? If you decide to answer it, are you breaking the law? Can you use your cell phone while driving? What if instead of answering your phone, you decide to send them a text to let them know you are driving and can’t… read more

Back and Neck Injuries from Rear-end Collisions

Fort Worth car accidents happen. One common accident is a rear-end collision. This occurs when one vehicle slams into the back of another. These frequently occur when the front car has to slow down or stop and the second car following them does not respond in time. They are also common when one car is… read more

Common Types of Car Accidents & Injuries in Texas

Even a minor car accident injury can be a major inconvenience. If an injury is more severe, it can be life-altering or even fatal. When you know why accidents happen and what types of injuries can result, you can take steps to minimize the likelihood of getting hurt.  Common Types of Car Accidents in Texas… read more